Adriaans Attorneys’ 12-Years Anniversary!

On the 25th of October 2022, Adriaans Attorneys celebrated its 12-year anniversary! With the number 12 carrying religious, mythological symbolisms and is said to be generally representing perfection and cosmic order in traditions since antiquity. This anniversary is noteworthy as it indicates more than a decade in business for the firm.

When asked to reflect on the firm’s evolution since 2010 and what the recent office move signifies to the firm, the managing director, Ashley Adriaans, remarked that:

“I am particularly proud with what our team has achieved. Many of you have been on this long journey together with the firm. We have weathered business cycles, overcome challenges and created the Adriaans story.

Adriaans has undergone a remarkable evolution in the past twelve years as we have pursued our vision to become a World Class Corporate and Commercial Business Law Firm. But one of the most profound changes over this time has been the richer understanding of and deeper commitment to our clients as we have refined our views of what it is to be leaders within the legal fraternity.

Built around equally strong commitments to our employees, Adriaans’ leadership vision brings together what we believe are the essential prerequisites for maintaining the long-term health and growth of our firm.

What is clearer than ever before is that we cannot achieve success if we choose to pursue these goals independently. Rather success requires that we consistently work to achieve our goals through integrated initiatives that place a high priority on moving us forward simultaneously and managing our total impact as a law firm.

Finding the right balance between our people and our clients is at the core of our commitment to growth and longevity and it is indispensable to realising the firm’s aspirations of becoming a World Class Corporate and Commercial Business Law Firm.

Within Adriaans today we are increasingly adapting our strategies, our operations and our culture to drive positive results across all areas of the firm, the sectors in which we operate as well as the legal fraternity.

These changes represent some of our latest steps in what has been an ongoing journey – and we’re already seeing important new benefits.

Once again, we owe credit to many bodies who have helped us achieve these results, either through direct engagement, or through the constructive feedback we rely on them to provide us.

We invite you – and indeed encourage you – to share your thoughts on our performance going forward. We take this feedback seriously and always welcome it.

Meanwhile, Adriaans Attorneys will continue to strive towards its vision of industry leadership in the year ahead. As we do so, you have our commitment that we will be working to extend our performance in which we see the greatest opportunities for improvement.

Thank you for your ongoing support and interest in Adriaans Attorneys.”


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